By The Charitable Giving Coalition

The Charitable Giving Coalition has launched a petition on to urge the White House and Congress to protect the charitable tax deduction. In the lead-up to Protect Giving Day on November 20, the Coalition is encouraging citizens to make their voices heard by signing on and sharing how the charitable sector enriches their communities.

“The charitable deduction has made a significant difference in the lives of the most vulnerable and advanced innovative solutions to some of our most pressing challenges. Nonprofits rely significantly – and in many cases entirely – on private donations, particularly now as government funding declines and the demand for support services increases,” the petition reads.

The petition also highlights the economic impact of nonprofits in America, citing that the sector employs ten percent of Americans and generates more than $1 trillion in the form of jobs and services.

To read and sign the petition, click here:

In addition, the Coalition has created a YouTube channel to emphasize the human impact of the charitable deduction. Videos with the central message, “I am the charitable tax deduction,” highlight the diverse communities served by a broad range of organizations that are supported by the charitable deduction.

Coalition Launches Petition to Lawmakers and “I am the Charitable Tax Deduction” YouTube Channel