WASHINGTON, D.C.— On Tuesday, June 20, Giving USA released their annual report chronicling charitable giving in 2022. Charitable giving fell from its all-time high in 2021 to $499.33 billion in 2022, a drop of 10.5 percent after adjusting for inflation. All categories of giving – individual, foundation, bequest and corporate – saw declines, with individual giving seeing the largest drop of 13.4 percent.

“This is one of the greatest declines in charitable giving in the past four decades, compounding the already growing problem of fewer and fewer Americans giving to charity,” said Brian Flahaven, chair of the Charitable Giving Coalition. “Reversing these trends should be top of the priority list for charitable leaders and policymakers alike.”

Reports have shown a steady decline in the number of Americans giving to charity over the past two decades. The Charitable Giving Coalition is working with lawmakers to advance the Charitable Act, which would renew and expand the universal charitable deduction that expired at the end of 2021. Doing so would be a step toward reversing these concerning downward trends.

“Demand for charitable services is not declining with giving,” said Flahaven. “These numbers should serve as a clarion call to lawmakers. We can no longer accept the notion that Americans will be just as generous without increased giving incentives. Sending the Charitable Act to President Biden’s desk must be a top priority if we are to have any chance at reversing these trends, and we look forward to working with our Senate and House champions to renew the universal charitable deduction as soon as possible.”


The Charitable Giving Coalition

Representing private and community foundations, their grantees and independent charities, the Charitable Giving Coalition’s members include United Way Worldwide, the Salvation Army, Catholic Charities USA, the American Council on Education, Jewish Federations of North America, the American Institute for Cancer Research, the Association of Fundraising Professionals, Independent Sector, the Council on Foundations, and United Philanthropy Forum, among others. Formed in 2009, the coalition is dedicated to preserving the charitable giving incentive that ensures that our nation’s charities receive the funds necessary to fulfill their essential philanthropic missions. The coalition provides a unique and unified voice on Capitol Hill on issues affecting the charitable deduction, a voice composed of both direct lobbying and robust grassroots advocacy. www.charitablegivingcoalition.org, @CGC_DC

Giving USA Report Shows Concerning Drop in Giving, Charitable Giving Coalition Urges Congress to Pass the Charitable Act